Saturday, October 29, 2011

[Unity] Lab2

This is the blog containing the information for LAB2 for the Walker Boy Studio course.

The game is a simple shooter game where you have to destroy asteroids as they fall and get points.

The link to the file download is: Media Fire Link  (updated)

Time Frame:
The lab took a total of 10.5 hours split over 2 different days.

7pm - 1:30am 
I watched all the video tutorials and followed along.  Took 6.5 hours of research and development.

7pm - 10pm
I did the on your own and extra credit sections of the Lab.  I also got a program to make 3d models and modeled a simple new ship and the hearts for the life up bonus.  This took a little extra time.

Project Details:
Name:  Jason Carter

This was Lab2 for the walker boy studios online Unity Course.

It took 10.5 hours to complete.

The goal was to make a fast paced space shootemup type game where you dodge and destroy asteroids.

The controls were arrow keys for movement, space bar to fire, and E to use the shield.

It was developed using UNITY and JavaScript.

Final Thoughts:
It was a great experience learning how to make things interact with the character button presses in Unity.  Also I got to learn a little about linking scripts together using transform functions or other ways to do it.  It also showed how you can do things a little more efficiently some times and get by with a better type of code.  The Clamp function was pretty neat in this regard.  Having learned a bunch so far I didn't feel that the on your own and extra credit were as difficult this time.  It took time to figure it out, but I didn't need to look up any new commands or try anything schfancy.

For the extra socket, I just added a second socket to the player prefab and set it to the same position as the other one.  Then I just added a function that fired one bullet if toggled to off, and if toggled to on, repositioned the sockets to the sides, and then fired one bullet at each socket.

The random speed for asteroids was incredibly easy, I just made 2 additional functions that resett the size and  speed and chucked em in the respawn function so they'd get called every time.

The pick up item for lives was fun, I didn't want to use some stupid item, so I went and got a 3d modeler program (simple one) and made a little heart so that I could have somethign a little nicer.

For another level at first i was trying to make a new scene manager but then I figured, I could add toggles inside that can be changed based on each scene since it is an instance of a prefab, and then it would do stuff based on which level it was in.  I only made 2 levels.

I just added some collision functions to the asteroid and bullets and ship and the block cube basically just had an hp variable and that was it.  Fairly straightforward.

The project was tons of fun and I look forward to going through the next few and learning more!

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